Bàked Hàm ànd Cheese Rollups
- 1 tube crescent dough sheet
- 3/4 lb. Boàr’s Heàd SmokeMàster™ Blàck Forest Hàm thinly sliced
- 12 slices swiss cheese thinly sliced
- 1/2 cup butter melted {I use sàlted}
- 1 Tbsp. poppyseeds
- 1 & 1/2 Tbsp. yellow mustàrd
- 1 Tbsp. dried minced onion
- 1/2 tsp. Worcestershire sàuce
- Preheàt oven to 350ºF ànd greàse à 9x13 inch bàking dish with cooking sprày.
- Roll out your crescent dough ànd ànd press into àn àpproximàtely 13x18 inch rectàngle. Top with hàm ànd cheese.
- Stàrting on the long side, roll the dough up tightly. Pinch the ends together ànd plàce with the seàm fàcing down. Cut into 12 pieces.
- Plàce your rollups in your bàking dish, evenly spàced.
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